I stand for freedom! Will you stand with me America?

When did freedom of speech become an option? When did freedom itself become something so taboo, it was no longer worth fighting for? Is it because we’ve allowed a politically correct culture to run rampant without question? When did America become the “Land of the Free” – only if we bow to a politically correct ideology?

Our freedom is dwindling before our eyes, yet far too many people are more concerned with the possibility of offending what they consider to be a “protected class” of people. Allow me to enlighten those who believe Muslims to be this fragile, protected class of people, who dare not be offended.

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution forbids states from denying any person “life, liberty or property, without due process of law” or to “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Equal protection does not protect US citizens or people living in other countries from being offended.

It will probably shock the media and hypersensitive crybabies that our First Amendment trumps hurt feelings. It especially protects incendiary and provocative speech – Oh no! Someone alert the press! If we believed everything the media tried to cram down our throat, we’d be under the impression offensive speech was no longer allowed in America. It’s as if they’ve decided for the American people that it’s better to live in a country where free speech is limited as to not offend a group of people; many of whom hate us anyway.

Let me ask you America, would you rather live in a country where it’s illegal to question your government? Would you be comfortable living in a culture where standing up for your religious beliefs is considered a hate crime? What if all free speech was limited as to not offend a minority of a “religious” people who would like to see you killed on site for said offense? That’s where we’re headed if we don’t start speaking out and speaking loud! We can’t allow our liberty and freedom to be stifled by a small minority or a media kowtowing to a ridiculous ideology.

It’s been open season for attacks against Christians, Jews and non-religious groups alike. If we dare speak out against Muslim atrocities committed in the name of Jihad, we’re labeled Islamophobic, bigots, hate-mongers, etc. Why should we be censored? Has anyone taken a look at what’s going on in the Middle East? It’s not just ISIS killing innocents! Iran is just as barbaric, but they’re under the guise of religious leaders ruling by the hand of Sharia Law. Lest we forget the monstrosity of a nuclear deal currently under negotiation with the P+5 group, essentially legitimizing Iran, a terrorist state, leading them on a direct path to a nuclear weapon.

Even with all of the unspeakable, heart wrenching atrocities committed by Muslim extremists, far too many Americans are near the point of desensitizing themselves. The barbaric acts of these terrorists should be reported on every cable news channel to awaken this sleeping faction of Americans.

Why should we get involved, you ask? Listen to the words of one of America’s greatest leaders; the 40th President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan. This speech is even more relevant today.

“We Must Fight!”

Now ask yourself: should I speak out against atrocities committed by barbarians who murder, torture and rape women, children and gays? Or should I let them fend for themselves? After all it’s not happening in America. If that’s your thought process, you’re living in a fantasy land. Those barbarians have proven they will in fact attack Americans on US Soil. ISIS is calling for lone wolf attacks; recruiting thousands of Americans as I write this article. Not to mention the fact they’re less than ten miles from our southern border. Iran continuously calls for death to America and even went as far as to say they welcome war with the US. Are you willing to laugh it off as our President does or will you speak out against it?

Now is not the time to remain silent! Who cares what the media or anyone else has to say about provocative speech?! President Reagan was provocative and he sure as hell didn’t sit idly by while America’s sovereignty was threatened! He fought back! He made clear to the Soviet Union and any other nation who threatened us – We were ready and willing to fight for our freedom!

Have we become so complacent over the past forty-years that we’ve forgotten what peace through strength looks like? Diplomacy does NOT consist of appeasing terrorist nations! It’s not making deals with murderous barbarians nor is it ignoring threats made by said terrorists who plan our demise when our back is turned! This isn’t diplomacy or sound foreign policy, it’s appeasement of our enemies!

If speaking the truth about Muslim extremists is considered “hate”? So be it! They can take their little hurt feelings and grab a tissue! If they want to take up arms and plan an even greater attack on America? I say bring it! I will not be scared into silence by a bunch of 14th century COWARDS who kill anyone they consider the infidel. ALL of these extremists can kiss my infidel ___! I fear no one but God almighty. I will NOT be intimidated into silence and I will not be forced to shut up by an elitist media who wants to limit free speech! Stop coddling extremists you blow-hard wind bags! Speak out against the evil cult who wants to kill us, instead of crucifying those of us trying to spread awareness. Enough is enough! If watching hundreds of Christians marched down a beach just before they were brutally slaughtered isn’t enough to tear your heart into a million pieces; I’m left with little hope for humanity.

The loss of freedom of speech isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue. It’s an American issue! We have to unite as one body to fight against the erosion of our rights. Too many men and women have died to preserve our freedom. Did they die in vain? Was it all for nothing? Are we willing to give up our freedom to appease the minority? Are we willing to trade our freedom for a so-called security? I’m not! I love this country and what it stands for! I won’t sit quietly while our freedom is under attack and neither should you. The future of our children is at stake! We must fight back!

I’ll leave you with this:

“You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well I’d like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There’s only an up or down—[up] man’s old—old-aged dream, the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order, or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. And regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course.” Ronald Reagan


Angela Sanders

Article First Published on The Liberty Eagle

You can find Angela on Twitter @angelacarwile or @RNRKentucky

Contributor to The Liberty Eagle, Rebooting Liberty and Red Nation Rising

Freedom of speech: What happened to American resolve?

By Angela Sanders

After the events of September 11, 2001; America stood still. We were one nation; united, crying out for justice! We were going to leave no rock unturned to seek out the terrorists who took the lives of 3000 Americans on that fateful day. Our patriotism was on full display. I remember seeing American flags on every street corner, vehicle; even random people standing in the streets proudly waving our flag as a symbol of solidarity. It was the most amazing display of American patriotism I’ve seen in my lifetime.

I was on recruiting duty in the US Navy at the time. We had people lined up outside the doors desperately wanting to enlist. Our phones rang non-stop and enlistments were at an all-time high. Men and women from all over the state came into our office just to say thank you for serving our great nation. It…

View original post 1,713 more words

Six Gun Security by Eric Carr

“Where you have the most armed citizens in America, you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst gun control, you have the highest crime rate.”  – Ted Nugent


Greetings, Liberty lovers!

So, I watched the most recent Trifecta video on YouTube yesterday, and I’ll include a link at the end of this article. If you’ve never seen Trifecta, it’s a video series featuring three brilliant and entertaining political commentators: Bill Whittle, Scott Ott, and Steve Green (with occasional sit-ins). In this most recent installment the trio were discussing the recent ISIS attack in Garland, Texas, and more specifically the media attention on Pamela Geller. During this discussion, Steve Green made an observation which, though terribly obvious, had completely escaped my attention.


In the article I posted yesterday, titledOnly in Texas, I wrote about other attacks very similar to the one in Texas. One such event in particular was strikingly similar in all ways…save one. The terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical newspaper, was in retaliation for cartoons published in the paper featuring an unflattering depiction of Muhammad, as it was in Texas. The perpetrators were two fanatical Muslim men armed with AK-47s, as was the case in Texas. The terrorists were shot dead after killing a dozen innocent people and wounding almost as many, as it was in Texas. Well, actually no innocent people were killed in Garland, Texas, and only one man was wounded. Obviously, that’s an important distinction and the reason for it, as Steve Green pointed out, is the critical difference between France and America. Americans are not disarmed.


France has strict gun laws dating back to about 1940, forbidding citizens to keep and bear arms except for those with a hunting license, which must be regularly renewed and requires a psychological evaluation to obtain. It’s safe to assume that no one in the offices of Charlie Hebdo was armed, nor were any of the hostages who were later held by these two representatives of the “religion of peace.” Did I mention that, in France, weapons like the AK-47s the terrorists were carrying are highly restricted? Well, I’m sure they probably picked them up at a local Paris gun show. Now, the Parisian police who first responded to Charlie Hendo armed, but they were outgunned and forced to retreat. One officer was shot dead as he lay begging for his life.


In Garland, Texas, the fanatics never even made it into the building. After wounding an unarmed guard, both AK-47 wielding would-be murderers, wearing body armor no less, were shot and killed by an off-duty police officer armed with a .45 caliber handgun. Now, one might argue that, because these Islamic zealots were killed by a cop and not an armed civilian, an armed society makes no difference. I disagree, however. Retaining the Second Amendment right in our society has a cultural impact, the effects of which can be seen in Texas and many other parts of the United States. Primarily in fly-over country where we knuckle-dragging Neanderthals still believe in Liberty and the right to self defense. We’re old-fashioned that way…


The French, who willingly disarm themselves, seem to have an unfortunate shortage of hero cops like the unnamed traffic officer in Garland, whose courage and decisive action undoubtedly saved many lives. The right to carry a weapon, like the right to speak freely and openly, encourages responsible and moral action. More importantly, these rights are a safeguard for the Liberty that, to Americans, is more precious than the air we breathe. After all, the only real difference between a free man and a slave is the ability to maintain that freedom.

Think about it…

Eric Carr

Eric also contributes at CastOffChains.wordpress.com

You can catch him Tweeting @Eric_Carr80

Khamenei Accuses U.S. of Human Rights Violations and Torture Amid Nuclear Talks

As Iran’s nuclear talks resumed in Vienna, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayotollah Ali Khamenei took to Twitter and accused the US of human rights violations, torturing US citizens and oppressing black people. He even broke out the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag again for special effect. Here’s one of his crazed tweets about slavery in the US, violent oppression of black people and concern over people having “physical safety of their skin color”. His words, not mine. WARNING: Check your gag reflex before viewing.

I find it disconcerting that negotiations continue with Iran, given their history and continued torture of their own people; not to mention the US citizens they’ve imprisoned. The Obama Administration has refused to discuss terms to get Americans home as part of the nuclear talks and plans to lift sanctions. Members of Congress have recommended amendments to a bipartisan bill that would “block President Obama from waiving congressional sanctions for at least 30 days while lawmakers weigh in. Among proposed additions to the bill are demands that Iran release any US citizens it is holding and refrain from any cooperation with nuclear-armed North Korea”, according to Daily Mail.com. The President has stated multiple times if such amendments come across his desk, he’ll veto the bill.Free Amir




One thing I have to admit about President Obama is his veracious tenacity when it comes to something he wants, regardless of the consequences. In many leaders, this can be a good trait; however in Mr. Obama’s case, his goals are not in the best interest of America. In his warped sense of superiority, he believes he can do anything he wants; Congress and US safety be damned.

What is it exactly that has President Obama so obsessed with obtaining some form of a nuclear deal with Iran, knowing it gives them a direct path to a bomb? It’s no secret Iran hates the US and believes us to be the “Great Satan”. What do we stand to gain? Better yet, what will we lose if this deal does in fact go through? The Obama administration continues to disregard threats and lies presented by Iranian leaders. They can’t possibly believe we’re stupid enough not to research for ourselves (low-information voters excluded). We’re not blind sheep who can’t think for ourselves like little Marie Harf’s, flipping our hair and rolling our eyes. The majority of Americans have finally removed their rose colored glasses…sorry to burst your liberal bubble.

Will someone in Washington please stand up? Iran’s laughing all the way to the bank, not passing go and collecting $50 Billion dollars! The US used to be the world’s leading Super Power. Now, countries like Iran believe they wield leverage and control over us? It’s flat out embarrassing! Anyone with a spine, please stand up! The singing of crickets is getting old! You spineless relics in Washington may turn a blind eye, but I, along with many Americans, refuse to be degraded into a cowardly nation. I will NOT be silent! With that being said, take a look at what dingbat Khamenei’s disgorging, yet again:

The US is a major enemy to human rights? Khamenei dares use the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag when his regime refuses to recognize women as equals; they’re less than human with no rights unless granted by man? What about the women their government has falsely imprisoned, mutilated, tortured and raped? Do their lives matter? Do non-Muslim lives matter? The four Americans falsely and illegally held in Iranian prisons; do their lives matter? How about Israeli lives; do they matter, Mr. Khamenei? Please spare me and other US citizens with your faux outrage when Iran is guilty of atrocities against its own people; massacres in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon; along with funding terrorist organizations such as Hamas an Hezbollah!

Really? Iran executed (hung) 81 prisoners From April 12th – April 18th.

Pardon me. I was distracted by how many Iranian prisoners were killed last week; not to mention countless more since. Mr. Khamenei needs to be reminded that we have this thing in the US called the internet. It has limitless access to public information about the history of abuse, human rights violations and torture by the hands of Iranian leaders, such as Khamenei himself. His pathetic attempt to shame the US for what he calls human rights violations, is the highest form of hypocrisy I’ve seen in quite some time.

Speaking of killing innocents, remember when former Iranian President, Ahmadinejad famously said in New York: “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like you do in your country. This does not exist in our country.” I guess technically he wasn’t lying because Iranian leaders have them killed. Example: According to The Guardian, Three Iranian men were executed in 2011 after being found guilty of charges related to homosexuality. The men, only identified by their initials, were hanged in the south-western city of Ahvaz, the capital of Iran’s Khuzestan province.

Iran tortures and executes Gays (Viewer discretion advised)
Last time I checked, being homosexual wasn’t a crime in the US. We don’t levy fake charges against them to justify execution. It seems Iran has quite a track record for killing innocent people. Next!
Women have no rights in Iran. They’re simply chattel, born to serve men and do as their told. When raped, this is how they’re treated: Reyhaneh Jabbari was, according to Britain’s The Daily Telegraph, “lured to a flat to undertake interior design work” but was then allegedly sexually abused by Iranian intelligence agent Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi who she killed in self-defense. Despite her pleas of self-defense, Jabbari was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. However, under Islamic law in Iran a victim’s family can grant clemency where the death penalty is concerned. Only Sarbandi’s son has demanded that Jabbari must expose “her true intentions” and change her story in order for mercy.

Reyhaneh was given two choices; die or recant her accusation that she was raped and apologize to the family of her attacker. Despite a vigorous international campaign and several failed attempts of pleading for a retrial, requests were denied. She refused to lie about her attack and made peace with dying. She was hung in Tehran, October 2014. Reyhaneh is one of countless abused women who were unjustly executed in Iran or imprisoned for having a voice in a tyrannical terrorist state. While researching the atrocities committed by Iran, I watched and read some of the most horrific testimonies of women who were thrown in prison, raped repeatedly, beaten and mutilated. The mental and physical scars were almost too painful to witness.

Hey Khamenei! THIS is torture and violation of human rights!

Here we go again. Does this man ever tire of talking out of his rear end? I’m choking on the hypocrisy over here! The US does NOT put an American citizen in jail without due process of law and torture them to death. I believe that dishonor goes to Iran! This moron invoked Freddie Gray when details of the investigation have yet to be released. He must be reading hashtag tweets. Here’s further proof of Iran’s agonizing pretense:

In 2010, according  to Human Rights Watch Iranian authorities executed five prisoners, four of them ethnic Kurds, without warning their families, and refused to release their bodies. These executions follow convictions that appear to have relied on the use of torture. “Hangings of four Kurdish prisoners are the latest example of the government’s unfair use of the death penalty against ethnic minority dissidents,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “The judiciary routinely accuses Kurdish dissidents, including civil society activists, of belonging to armed separatist groups and sentences them to death in an effort to crush dissent.”

Now that I’ve crushed Ayotollah Ali Khamenei’s claims, I’ll close with a personal statement to my fellow Americans.

The American people in favor of a deal with this terrorist nation need to wake up! Every day I see people complaining about hurt feelings, crying over a cake, claiming racism and bigotry, et al. We’re free! Free to be anyone we want to be without fear of persecution. We have freedom to peacefully assemble. Freedom of speech! The right to bear arms! We even have religious freedom, for now, unless the cry babies whine enough and force the courts to take our rights away. We live in the greatest nation in the world! What if we lived in Iran where we had no rights? What would we do then? Imagine what your life would be like, then open your eyes to reality and see the wondrous opportunities you have in this life.

Stop complaining and let your voice be heard! Speak for those who can’t speak for themselves! Speak out against this disastrous deal with Iran and force Congress’ hand! We have that power. It’s time we started exercising our rights instead of taking them for granted. Wake up America!

Angela Sanders

Contributor to TheLibertyEagle.com RebootingLiberty.com and Rednationrising.wordpress.com

Find me on Twitter @angelacarwile

Article first published at The Liberty Eagle



Iran threatens the U.S. and Israel: Obama caves

By Angela Sanders

According to The Washington Examiner, the President in a press conference on Friday pointedly declined to reaffirm his commitment to phased-out sanctions when the negotiations between Iran and a coalition that includes all the U.N. Security Council nations and Germany continue.

He went on to say that the main U.S. goal is to ensure that, should Iran not abide by its agreement, the United States will not “have to jump through a whole bunch of hoops in order to reinstate sanctions.”

Obama caves on sanctions, the deal has reached an “awful moment”.


I find it odd the president, who’s been adamantly for a phased timeline of releasing sanctions, appears to concede just days after Iranian Parliament released a fact sheet of their own. Yet again, Obama yields to the demands of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayotollah Ali Khamenei. What kind of game is he playing? Iran’s playing chess…

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Iran’s supreme leader trolls U.S. on Twitter over allegations of being ‘at war with their own people’

By Angela Sanders

Yesterday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, took to Twitter and proceeded to rant about US policies. He stated that the US commits terrible atrocities against its people; even going as far as to incite Ferguson into his hypocritical tirade. He doubled down using the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. I’m not joking.

Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, lecturing the US about how we treat our citizens? Let’s take a look at what the little troll had to say. Brace yourself.

2015-04-16 13.19.502015-04-16 13.20.35

“US has entered into war against its own people.” Khameni seems so genuine, I almost shed a baby tear. I was waiting for the #HandsUpDontShoot hashtag. I guess Al Sharpton hasn’t had a chance to call him yet; being on a hunger strike and all. I’m sure Khamenei watched videos of people marching and chanting, “What do we want? Dead Cops!” What would happen to the Iranian people if they…

View original post 327 more words

Iran’s Supreme Leader Trolls the U.S. on Twitter over Allegations of Being “At War With Their Own People”

Yesterday, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, took to Twitter and proceeded to rant about US policies. Stating the US commits terrible atrocities against its people; even going as far as to incite Ferguson into his hypocritical tirade. He doubled down using the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag. I’m not joking.

Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, lecturing the US about how we treat our citizens? Let’s take a look at what the little troll had to say. Brace yourself.

2015-04-16 13.19.502015-04-16 13.20.35

“US has entered into war against its own people.” Khameni seems so genuine, I almost shed a baby tear. I was waiting for the #HandsUpDontShoot hashtag. I guess Al Sharpton hasn’t had a chance to call him yet; being on a hunger strike and all. I’m sure Khamenei watched videos of people marching and chanting, “What do we want? Dead Cops!” What would happen to the Iranian people if they protested in the street calling for the death of Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan? I’m guessing it wouldn’t go well.

2015-04-16 13.21.28

I wonder if he knows how Google works. I found many documented atrocities committed by the Iranian government against their people, sorted by year, starting in 2011.

Islamic Republic of Iran 2014

IHRDC (Iran Human Rights Documentation Center) Chart of Executions by the Islamic Republic of Iran – 2014

This chart documents executions of people by the Islamic Republic of Iran beginning in January 2014. The official announcements are noted but, as the Iranian government does not announce many executions, it is difficult to know the exact number.

IHRDC is thus unable to confirm the unofficial reports but has provided links to PDFs of the original sources. It will update this list on a regular basis.

Last Updated 1-7-2015

Total in 2014: 721

Announced By Government in 2014: 268

Full chart: http://www.iranhrdc.org/english/publications/1000000425-ihrdc-chart-of-executions-by-the-islamic-republic-of-iran-2014.html

In 2014 alone, Iran executed 721 Iranian citizens that we know of, yet Khamenei has the audacity to claim the US is at war with its own people? According to a New York Times article from 2013, Iran performed public hangings of citizens convicted of crimes, from petty theft to the more serious crime of murder. Although “Most hangings take place inside prisons, according to Iranian judicial officials and international human rights organizations.” Did I forget to mention Iran executes children too? All documented by the IHRDC. http://www.iranhrdc.org/english/publications/legal-commentary/1000000183-crimes-against-children-in-iran.html

A video documenting “Crimes Against Humanity in Iran”

Link to CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY IN IRAN by Reza Pahlavi: http://www.rezapahlavi.org/details_article.php?article=564

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, I’ve got news for you #IranianLivesMatter too! All lives matter! Stop killing your own people! Stop threatening to annihilate Israel! Most importantly, stop financing and supporting terrorist organizations that kill thousands of innocents annually. Another piece of advice; clean your own house before you point fingers at the greatest nation in the world!

Angela Sanders

Contributor at:  TheLibertyEagle.com Rebootingliberty.com & Rednationrising.wordpress.com

Find me on Twitter: @angelacarwile

Deal or No Deal? That’s the Question. Iran’s Fight For Nuclear Power and Obama’s Willingness to Appease.

Iran Shouts Death to America

I believe in diplomacy, but I have a problem when our President decides to make a deal with a terrorist state who hates us and our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel. Crowds of Iranians have chanted “death to America” on numerous occasions. Iranian leaders in Tehran, most notably Ayotolla Ali Khameni, repeated the words, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure”. This after Washington and its allies spoke of “real progress” and urged Tehran to take “difficult decisions.” Khameni continues to express mistrust of U.S. efforts to reach a nuclear deal. Mistrust, coming from a state sponsor of terrorism who provides support for Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Israel? Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Yeah, me too.

When President Obama learned of Iran’s “death to America” chants (most likely on the news), he passed it off as “just stuff he says for his domestic audience”. Really Mr. President? Do you honestly think the majority of Americans believe that crock of crap? Anyone with internet access, half a brain and a Twitter account can see for themselves exactly what Khameni and Javad Zarif have to say about America and this nuclear negotiation.

Immediately after the Obama Administration released a fact sheet regarding the proposed framework with Iran, Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister, took to Twitter accusing the U.S. of lying about the nuclear deal. This is only one of several raging tweets.

Zarif SS

The “Facts” as we know them, according to “Fact Sheets”

  • The EU/Iran joint statement says sanctions will be terminated “simultaneously” with Iran implementing its obligations: The EU will terminate the implementation of all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions and the US will cease the application of all nuclear-related secondary economic and financial sanctions, simultaneously with the IAEA-verified implementation by Iran of its key nuclear commitments.
  • The White House factsheet says sanctions will be suspended “after” Iran has taken “all” of its nuclear-related steps: U.S. and E.U. nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended after the IAEA has verified that Iran has taken all of its key nuclear-related steps. If at any time Iran fails to fulfill its commitments, these sanctions will snap back into place.

Obama blatantly lied, “misspoke” or intentionally misled the American people about the framework of this “supposed” landmark deal. I’m left with the conclusion that Obama has ultimately agreed to lift sanctions immediately, but is lying to the American people and Congress in order to prevent an inevitable outrage that could jeopardize Obama’s ‘precious’ legacy. He says and I quote, “If Iran doesn’t hold up their end of the deal, the world will know.” It’s that simple huh? Guess what?

The World Will Know

As reported by Townhall.com, “President Barack Obama initially touted his “historic understanding” with Iran as a transformational diplomatic step toward Middle East peace. Two days or so later, the White House called the “understanding” a “preliminary deal.” Is your head spinning yet?

It gets worse. Obama continues to tout this ‘fantastic’ framework to his frothing minions, meanwhile Iranian leaders decide to take to Twitter and accuse Obama of lying, yet again. This time it’s Ayotolla Ali Khameni.

Khameni Nuke Deal SS02Khameni Nuke Deal SS3Khameni Nuke Deal SS03Khameni Nuke Deal SS01Khameni Nuke Deal

Read Kahmeni’s last statement carefully. Why start another talk if all sanctions are to be removed when the deal is reached? Again, this is contrary to the White House talking points, err.. I mean fact sheet. Even the State Department had a hard time trying to CYA on this one. Stand by their fact sheet and keep touting the great lie? If that’s what works.

Listen to this poor guy try to defend the Obama Admin’s fact sheet against Iran. It’s painful…

State Dept Struggles to Explain Rouhani and Ayatollah Claims US is ‘Lying’ About Iran Deal Facts

According to Breitbart.com Team Obama still seems confused about what it actually agreed to, while the Iranians are full of terrible certainty. Until last week, we were routinely assured that Iran was years away from a nuclear bomb, and only alarmists like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said otherwise. Then, suddenly, Obama was talking about the current “breakout” time for Iranian nukes being only 30-90 days, as he claimed his deal would increase it to a year.

Even after all this…The White House, in all it’s arrogance thinks it would be swell to troll Prime Minister Netanyau on Twitter by sending out his poster as a doctored meme with a caption: Worth sharing: Here’s how the would shut down Iran’s pathway to a nuclear weapon →

White House Trolls Netanyahu

Not so much. They haven’t agreed to anything. Being 30-90 days out from a bomb, this was just a failed attempt to convince the American people there’s a plan underway to keep Iran from obtaining nukes.

Still yet, Obama claims “this deal is not based on trust; it’s based on unprecedented verification.”Oops! What deal would that be, Mr. President? The unsigned verbal ‘disagreement’ between the U.S. and Iran? Riddle me this: How do you plan on enforcing this so-called “unprecedented verification”? Snap Inspections of Iranian Military Facilities? I believe you mentioned something about it earlier this week during an NPR interview? I’ve got news for you and anyone who’s reading this; it’s not happening.

Khameni Nuke Deal SS

And there you have it, folks. Obama’s only viable way of ensuring Iran fully complies with their end of the deal; up in smoke. This entire negotiation has not only been a farce, but a waste of time and taxpayer money. Guess how much money? The Obama administration paid $490 million dollars last week to Iran and will give them a total of $11.9 billion by the end of June. Are we seriously paying Iran to negotiate with us or is this relief money from frozen assets? Who knows? Transparency and all…

They have until July 1st, but with Iran refusing to budge, I don’t see a mutually agreeable deal in the near future. Unless…Obama concedes everything, regardless of the cost. He’s turned his back on Israel, threatened Congress not to interfere with negotiations; nothing’s stopping him from ignoring the will of the people. It’s his second nature… Anything to save his precious legacy, even if that means a nuclear Iran at America and Israel’s peril.

Obama will turn on anyone

Until next time, I’ll leave you with words from a true statesman and leader, PM Netanyahu. God bless America!

****UPDATE**** Partial payments to Iran are unfrozen assets. The rest of it is a generous donation from US taxpayers, courtesy of President Obama. http://freebeacon.com/national-security/u-s-to-award-iran-11-9-billion-through-end-of-nuke-talks/

Angela Sanders

Published by: Rebootingliberty.com http://rebootingliberty.com/irans-fight-for-nuclear-power-and-obamas-willingness-to-appease/

Contributor to: TheLibertyEagle.com Rebootingliberty.com & Rednationrising.wordpress.com

The ‘Importance of being Earnest’, Josh Earnest that is…

As we’ve seen with previous White House Press Secretaries, they’ve all exhibited a certain amount of arrogance about them. Jay Carney and his lovely smirks…Who could miss that? He made it look so easy to lie; never breaking a sweat, hardly an octave above monotone. Gosh I miss that guy! Nah, just kidding…

Then there’s the ever greasy, always sweating, Josh Earnest. He seems to be having a hard time these days. Especially explaining why the president must shun Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East, and making a nuke deal with Iran; who just 2 days ago shouted “Death to America”.


Josh earnestly (pun intended) tried to demonize Prime Minister Netanyahu for shutting down a two-state solution for Israel-Palestinian conflict when in fact his comments were misunderstood and confirmed by Israeli Ambassador. That doesn’t stop Obama and Earnest! No way! They’re dead set on punishing Israel, even if that means allowing a nuclear Iran.


Let’s take a look, shall we? https://youtu.be/mONhEt0Phjc



Israel is our friend, last time I checked. Iran, not so much…especially considering just hours after Secretary of State, John Kerry ended nuclear talks, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, chanted “Death To America”. If you ask the Obama Administration, their response is, “That’s just stuff he says for his domestic audience”.

Well, alrighty then! Just swell! Let’s all sing Kumbaya, shall we? Do these people live in an alternate universe? On what planet is it ok for a terrorist state, IRAN, to gain nuclear power? Obama says any deal is better than no deal? I beg to differ! We need to stand closely with our allies. Stop playing games and negotiating with terrorists…and for goodness sake, JOSH! At least try to act like you believe what you’re saying.