Remembering 9/11/01: Is U.S. Patriotism Lost?

I wrote an article in May highlighting political correctness and how it has changed the face of America. Too many Americans have forgotten what happened on September 11, 2001; the patriotism and unity that brought us together, united against terrorism.

Here’s an excerpt:

After the events of September 11, 2001; America stood still. We were one nation; united, crying out for justice! We were going to leave no rock unturned to seek out the terrorists who took the lives of 3000 Americans on that fateful day. Our patriotism was on full display. I remember seeing American flags on every street corner, vehicle; even random people standing in the streets proudly waving our flag as a symbol of solidarity. It was the most amazing display of American patriotism I’ve seen in my lifetime.


I was on recruiting duty in the US Navy at the time. We had people lined up outside the doors desperately wanting to enlist. Our phones rang non-stop and enlistments were at an all-time high. Men and women from all over the state came into our office just to say thank you for serving our great nation. It was like no other time in my career… Americans everywhere looked at one another with the same sense of pride and determination; We are Americans and we will not be defeated!


“The planes were hijacked, the buildings fell, and thousands of lives were lost nearly a thousand miles from here. But the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were an attack on the heart of America. And standing here in the heartland of America, we say in one voice: We will not give in to terrorists; We will not rest until they are found and defeated; We will win this struggle; not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom, and for peace; So help us God.”

~Tom Harkin


Tom Harkin’s words still resonate with me today. “We will win this struggle; not for glory, nor wealth, nor power, but for justice, for freedom and for peace [..]”. Freedom; what brave men and women have shed blood, lost life and limb for; has the definition changed since 2001? Have we as a nation forgotten the price of freedom? What our forefathers fought for? Are we willing to give it up so easily without giving it a second thought?


What happened to us? What happened to our great sense of pride? What happened to American resolve? Somewhere over the past 14-years, it’s been lost; transformed into a new culture where political correctness takes precedence over individual liberty and freedom. Americans are consumed with being offended and the need to shut someone or something down just because they disagree or it hurts their feelings. This isn’t freedom! It’s stifling freedom and individual liberty of others to appease “hurt feelings” and the perpetually offended.

What’s changed? Why do we allow political correctness to suppress patriotism? It’s become a code word for “extremist”, “fringe element”, “domestic terrorist” or whatever the left wing deems necessary to silence an outraged and slowly awakening America. We’ve seen it from our own President, labeling those of us against his monstrous Iran Nuclear Deal as “extremists”.

A large segment of America has become numb to the attacks against our freedom, liberty and display of patriotism. September 11, 2001 is portrayed in our schools as a “retaliation for acts of terrorism and aggression committed by the United States. Is anyone other than the “fringe element” outraged? Over 3000 Americans died at the hands of Muslim extremists, hell-bent on the destruction of America! Now we hear “Death to America” from the likes of Iran, yet we’ve negotiated a nuclear deal with this State Sponsor of Terrorism? We’re living in the land of the lost!

Since when is it acceptable to negotiate with terrorists? It’s not diplomacy. It’s a death wish! We’re afraid to offend Muslims, many of which have no problem wishing death upon us. Or worse, carry out “lone wolf” attacks killing innocent Americans. Wake up America and smell the tyranny that lies before you! Open your eyes to see who the real enemy is; terrorists who want to to kill us and our way of life. This isn’t propaganda – It’s reality!

I’ve personally been threatened by so-called members of ISIS because I’m retired military. I don’t know about you, but I will not be silenced by terrorists! Their threats embolden me; lighting a fire to not only protect my family, but this great country I swore an oath to defend! I will not be intimidated! I’m an American patriot. I’m not afraid to offend a perceived “protected class” of people who wish me harm.

I will never forget 9/11/01! It’s the day a sleeping giant was awakened. We need to find our patriotism and wake the sleeping giant within us all. Be ever vigilant and pray for our great nation. In the words of President Ronald Reagan:

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

Indeed, America is the last stand on earth. Is American patriotism lost? Or is it tucked away in the hearts and minds of every red-blooded American old enough to remember 9/11/01?

Here’s a reminder of what happened for those of you who have forgotten:

09/11/2001 Live Unedited CNN News Coverage From 8:50Am To 11:30Am

Never Forget 9/11/01! May God bless those who lost their lives and the family members left behind.


Angela Sanders

This article was first published on Western Free Press

Angela is also a contributor to The Liberty Eagle and Rebooting Liberty

Find Angela on Twitter at @angelacarwile


One thought on “Remembering 9/11/01: Is U.S. Patriotism Lost?

  1. I am so thankful I found this and had the opportunity to read [relive] this. I think we should all watch this from time to time, to be reminded of what happened, literally, before our very eyes. But, even more importantly, I feel it is imperative those who were too young/born later and did not witness or process the events of that day, watch this entire video. It has to emerge as reality for it to affect them in a meaningful way. Thank you for sharing, thank you for your service, thank you for you authenticity, and thank you for your patriotism. God Bless.

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