“Obama’s Military – Punishing Honor” American Duckie Exclusive!

Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17

“Corripiendi sunt inquieti… oppressi liberandi. (The turbulent have to be corrected…the oppressed to be liberated.)” St. Augustine

Some people contribute so much to our world while others take whatever they can get from it.

Someday when the Book of Life is opened and we are all judged by what we did in this life, only then will we really know how much we impacted people and this world either positively or negatively. While there are all kinds of people in this world, they can be for the most part, characterized as either those who do, or those who don’t. Then there are those who support those who do, and those who subordinate themselves to those who don’t. Some people take sworn oaths, creeds and mottos seriously enough to live by them even if it means being punished for it.

I’ve been writing a lot about our military over the past few years, but I don’t know anything much about the intricacies of Military rules, regulations, chain of command or codes of conduct. I don’t know much about the art of war except for the things I read from those who have fought it. Often times I feel completely inadequate when I write about our troops and what they do, especially when it’s something in which people have degraded, mocked or disrespected them.

I have strong opinions and I write about things that I may not know, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a college grad to know the difference between right and wrong, or what’s compassionate, sensible or honorable, and that which is cowardly and foolish.

Not ever serving, I can’t and won’t judge those who have, especially when it comes to the tabs, ribbons, awards and medals (Fruit Salad) worn by the upper echelon of the Military. The closest thing to judgment I will say is that for a lot of them, it’s all subjective vs. objective. Again, I don’t know enough, but I know that too often those “in charge” generally don’t care about how Rules of Engagement and other policies handed down the chain of command effect those who are on the front lines. I know it’s been this way for longer than I’ve been alive…but it’s worse now, most likely because too many policy makers have never served, or never served in the capacity that they demand obedience from those whom they send to war. The “Commander” in Chief has never defended this country, and except for deserters, never defended our troops.

We’ve seen the stories over the years where the ROE’s have damaged our troops and put them in more danger than ever. Since the “Commander in Chief” has declared the war over, we’ve seen how well his promise to pull out in Iraq has gone, and Afghanistan is shaping up much the same.

While White House spokespeople foolishly claim the Taliban are merely “armed insurgents” who deserve to have deals and prisoner swaps with, the Taliban are still killing our Troops. The latest attack happened August 7th which killed Special Forces Green Beret Master Sgt. Andrew McKenna and wounded others during an attack at Camp Integrity in Afghanistan.


I don’t know the intricacies of war, I only care about those who fight it or have fought. When they do their jobs, they hold the oaths they swore as a never ending promise, and those who serve in our Special Forces live their creed. Those who send them, do not.

I am an American Special Forces Soldier!

I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.

I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me. I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of their legacy in all that I am – in all that I do.

I am a warrior. I will teach and fight whenever and wherever my nation requires. I will strive always to excel in every art and artifice of war.

De oppresso liber

From the U.S. Army Special Forces Creed

Our Special Forces detest bullies, abhor those who harm innocent people, especially women and children, and have been steadfast and loyal to everything they believe in – De oppresso liber is loosely translated “from oppressed to free”.

When they see mistreatment or crimes against the vulnerable, they have not only the sense of duty to correct it, but the ingrained belief of righting a wrong act.

When it comes to recent wars and fighting Islamic terrorists, especially in Islamic countries, our government being sympathizers and some being devoted Muslims, have created a situation in our military which is completely incomprehensible to anyone with sense. Our ‘leaders’ are more concerned about Islamic “Host” countries which includes deferring to their ideologies, culture and religion, even if such practices are abhorrent and vile, than they are about the exceptional men they send over there to fight and help train the people to protect themselves.

It’s clear none of the upper command including Obama have ever paid attention to great leaders of the past including General George Patton who said, “There’s a great deal of talk about loyalty from the bottom to the top. Loyalty from the top down is even more necessary and is much less prevalent. One of the most frequently noted characteristics of great men who have remained great is loyalty to their subordinates.”

The past 6 years is replete with examples of ROEs and policies, transformations and social experiments done in the names of tolerance, equality and diversity. The latest example is as so many; reprehensible in the way our troops seem to have no one in upper command that have their backs. No loyalty.

Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland is a decorated Special Forces Green Beret with 11 years of exemplary service. He may be kicked out of the Army because he shoved an Afghan police commander accused of raping a 12 year old boy and beating up his mother when she reported the incident.  This would be an Afghan police commander that our Special Forces are sent to train and that U.S. tax payers are paying the Afghan government for.

According to FOX, when they had learned about the rape of the boy and of his mother’s being beaten, Sgt. Martland and his team leader confronted a local police commander they had trained, and when the man laughed off the incident, they physically confronted him and Sgt. Martland shoved him to the ground. Now his career is being threatened over it.

In Obama’s Military, the honorable are punished, social experiments are pushed and praised and our troops and our nation have been in more dangerous circumstances because of his keeping his campaign promises to withdraw troops, close Gitmo and now, the deadly Iranian Nuke deal he’s pushing. None of the upper command does anything to support our troops – those who did care, were fired or discharged, and those who are left go along to get along, and will join the ranks of ribbon/award/tab/medal bedecked politicos while honorable soldiers continue to do their duty and risk being booted out for it.

These guys don’t need people like me defending them. They need their chain of command defending them, and it’s deplorable that they don’t have it. Every time a situation arises where our troops are treated like crap from this administration, my respect and admiration rise as much as my indignation – because it shows just how dedicated they are to living their oaths.

I don’t write articles like these because our troops need my rants. I write them so people will hopefully realize what these men do to keep us safe while protecting the innocent around the world and what they often go through for it. If people can understand who these men are, maybe they will think more carefully about those they elect into public office – because ultimately the buck stops at the top. Our troops deserve better than to have to serve under a CiC who has done more to aid and defend the enemy than respect his troops or country. They’re no better served by our present Congress either.

God bless our Troops and Veterans. We’d be living in a much worse world if it weren’t for them. They deserve better that what we’ve given them.

Find American Duckie on Twitter at @ABiCduckie

First published on PolitiBrew.com